Niklas Goodfellow is the last real Santa. Christmas has been hi-jacked by an evil-Santa by the name of Goblynch who is all about making money and giving kids video game consoles. The old Santas (the kinds with elves who make old fashioned, endearing wooden toys) have been um...obliterated...and turned into chocolate (killed in a not so scary way for kids I guess :/) and Niklas is the only one left. Niklas is young and scruffy looking, not what you'd picture a Santa to look like at all. But he has a heart of gold! During a storm, his reindeer Twinklestar (who loves marzipan) becomes afraid and breaks away from Niklas' caravan leaving him abandoned in the middle of a suburban town. Niklas befriends a couple of children by the name of Ben and Charlotte and they work together to keep the true meaning of Christmas and the last Santa alive. The cast of characters is completed by 2 endearing angels, a slew of hilariously grumpy elves, and some terrifying nutcrackers! Such a great little book!
This will probably wrap up my Christmas posts. Well, I'm sure you'll get a full report on which books I managed to scoop up for Christmas ;) And then I should have the year in review post up soon! Have a great one everyone!
Hey, cool! I get to be the first one to wish you Merry Christmas, and a great 2008 forthcoming!
The best of the season to you too, Chris. It's been a fun year in books, hasn't it? I too have enjoyed getting to know a lot of new people in the blogging world this year, and yours is one that I always read. :) Cheers from London!
Merry Christmas, Chris. I've been new to your blog this year as well and have enjoyed reading all your posts.
Merry merry merry Christmas Bubba!!
Well, you finally read a Cornelia Funke book! I love her style of storytelling and though it will be after Christmas I know I will add this one to my wish list, I just had to stop buying for myself this month (duh).
Abbercorn, Lilith, Travis, Hetford,(Lupi) Emylee, Laika, Bisbee, Kien, Odile, Forester, and even Bugtussel all wish you the happiest of Christmas's!!!
The book is so endearing, isn't it?
Have a very wonderful Christmas, Chris! May Santa leave lots of books under your tree!
Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas, Chris! Have a wonderful New Year. And get that novel of yours perfected and published! -C
It has been a great year getting to know each other Chris. I wish you and Megan and all the rest of both of your families a very Merry Christmas. I hope the day brings calm and relaxation rather than rush and that you all really enjoy each other's company over the holidays.
Merry Christmas, Chris!
D-O, Same to you! I know you have an awesome year of reading ahead of you so I'm sure you'll influence me to break my plan of not buying too many books in '08 :p
Cdn, It really has been a fun year in books! It's been really great getting to know you too and it's just so cool that I know people in London now ;)Have a great holiday!
Cath, I've really enjoyed your blog too! I'm sorry I haven't been more regular to it, but you write some of the best posts and I must say you have great taste in books! Hopefully 08 brings less stress and more time for blog visiting! Merry Christmas to you!
Deslily, I know! I read a Funke book, aren't you proud :) You're going to love this one. I just know you will. And even if you read it away from Christmas time, you'll be pulling it off the shelf again for Christmas. I'll definitely be reading it again next Christmas! It's funny that you should mention all of your characters because I was thinking of them all last night! I can't even remember why now, but it was right before I fell asleep, I remember kind of drifting off to Kesterwood...you know it's a good book when they all stick with you for that long ;) Merry Christmas to all of them too and of course to you!
Nymeth, It really was such an endearing book. It had all the qualities of a great Christmas story, yet everything about it was unique and new at the same time. I really loved it! Have you read any of her other stuff yet? I hope you have a wonderful Christmas too, Nymeth! And may Santa shower you with books as well!! And I hope you get some Christmas snow!
Carole, Same to you and your husband!! I was just thinking of that book of mine last night...it's serendipitous that you should mention it! I guess it's a sign that I should go back and edit! It's been a blessing meeting you and getting to know you Carole! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Robin, Same to you! I hope that you have a wonderful time with your family and create some wonderful Christmas memories :)
Carl, Thanks :) It seems like I've known you much longer than a year, but I guess not! I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas together and I echo your wishes of calm and relaxation! I know you've had a couple of months of stress so enjoy your holidays! And it really has been a great year getting to know you!
Becky, Same to you! Who would've thought I ever would've found someone who not only liked OSC as much as me, but would start a whole reading challenge based on him :D It's been great getting to know you this year Becky and I hope you enjoy your Christmas!
It sounds like a cute book.
Merry Christmas, Chris!
Merry Christmas, Chris!
Carrie, It really was a great little book! Merry Christmas to you too :)
Jenclair, Merry Christmas to you too! It's been a pleasure getting to know another Louisianian over the past year!
Merry Christmas!
I can't wait to read that Cornelia Funke book next year (I couldn't find it yet so I'm hoping it will be at an after Christmas sale).
Ladytink, Merry Christmas to you too :) I don't know if you have a Barnes and Noble around you, but the one by me had a Christmas display in the Children's section with a whole bunch of copies. There weren't any on the regular shelves though. I hope you can find it, it's a great one!
The best of all to you, Chris! I hope Santa brings you a nice, new job... or the money to get the old one back up and running!
CJ, Thanks :) Merry Christmas to you too! Have a great one!
Merry Christmas Chris!!!
Merry Christmas, Chris, and I wish you a happy 2008, full of great books!
So glad you enjoyed the book! I thought it was just incredibly charming.
Debi, It really was :) I'll be reading that one ever Christmas, I'm sure!
First, congratulations on winning Dickens. That's how I found you and this post.
Second: I can't believe I didn't know about this book by Cornelia Funke! I WILL be buying it this year. I love her books (I'm a teacher).
Finally, good luck with your dad. I have no words of consolation when you are challenged by frustrations during a time of worry and concern. I have you on my "good vibe" list.
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