Ok, so I have had EXCELLENT book karma recently as can be seen in the post under this one :) In addition to all of that, the lovely bookfool is sending me a book that didn't work for her and Carl was kind enough to replace my Lord of the Rings set with an extra that he had. You blog people rock! So, to keep the good book karma going, I've decided that I'm doing a book giveaway. Subterranean supplied me with that wonderful signed, numbered, limited edition of Mirrormask: The Illustrated Film Script yesterday. So now I have an extra copy lying around (the one I bought from the store which isn't as nice as the Subterranean edition but still beautiful!). It's the hardcover version with beautiful art work and film stills from Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean. Who wants it? Leave me a comment on this post and Tuesday night around 9:00 P.M. I'll draw a name from a list of people who leave a comment on this post. Good luck!
:-) Fierce. I love this movie. Neil Gaiman's in New York right now, and I'm not able to go to any of his stuff. Very uncool.
Oh man...that sucks. I'd love to meet Neil...he rocks.
Cool! If you don't mind I'll post about this over on my site this weekend to hopefully bring more traffic your way!
Well duh! Who wouldn't want a free book? Especially now that I've found Neil Gaiman! I LOVED American Gods, and Ananzi Boys is starting out really good. Throw my name in the hat!!
I haven't read this one yet!!
Carl, I'd love that! Do you have a copy of this yet? If not, I'll add you in the pool.
Stephanie, I think you'd love this book! Have you seen the movie? If not, go get it! It's great. The book is actually the film script, illustrated by McKean.
Throw my name in the hat, too, Chris. I'd love it!
You're in Robin!
Throw my name in that hat! ***** my fingers and toes are crossed *****
Oh yeah, picked it up right away when it came out. Do you have The Alchemy of Mirrormask book? It is the same size/format but is all pictures from the movie with alot of interesting facts about filming, where ideas came from, etc. If not I highly recommend you picking up a copy!!!
What Stephanie said. LOL Yeah, sign me up. And, frankly, I think you deserve the good book karma. I'm sure your blog brightens a lot of folks' days, as it does mine. :)
Booklogged, consider yourself in the hat :)
Carl, Oh yeah..I love Alchemy of Mirrormask. I had to buy that one for my ex too, she's a big McKean fan. It's one of my favorite books to just look at.
Bookfool, you're too sweet! I feel the same about your blog...I always look forward to reading your posts and seeing your pics!
Hmmm... If I win, I'll have to beat members of my family off with sticks! ;) Apologies to family who might be lurking! I didn't meet Neil, but I did see him at a Mythcon (Tolkien conference). He gave a great speech. Otherwise, he was surrounded by clickish Tolkien fans who spend the whole year gearing up for this one conference where they can play dress-up & speak elvish. I'm not easily weirded out, but they gave me the creeps! The worst part was--they cancelled the dealers' room!!
N, I'd love to see him speak. One of these days I'll get around to it. I'm putting you in the drawing. We'll keep it on the down low from the family if you win ;) Megan already has a copy, so you don't need to worry about her.
Got to see Neil in Chicago in 2005 and it was well worth the 9 hour drive to get there. We had an awesome time. I was fortunate enough to call the bookstore selling tickets on the first day and me and my friends were within the first 20 people (I think we started at number 11) in line after the reading to get signatures. I would have waited hours, but it was nice not to have to! It was everything I hoped it would be as far as an experience. Whenever he tours again I highly recommend making a trip.
How cool Carl! I'm definitely starting to feel like a road trip is in the works if he doesn't make it down here.
Please add my name to the hat (my initial, anyway!)
I very much love MirrorMask - was lucky enough to go to the UK premiere and then to see it in the cinema again, for which I feel blessed.
If I was lucky enough to win, the book would find a loving home - I have a Really Useful Book that would be its friend...
I was happy to hear that you won Carl's Once Upon A Time Challenge giveaway. You, if anyone, deserve it. And, I got the added bonus of getting to know you better. Any crumbs (or books) thrown in this direction would be appreciated. :)
K, How cool! I would've loved to go to the premiere! Consider yourself in the hat :)
Bellezza, I feel the same way. I'm so happy I found your blog through this challenge. It's become one of my favorites :) Your names in the hat!
*sigh* I missed seeing Neil when he came to Austin in 2005...my baby was in the hospital with a high fever brought on by a UTI. My friend went, and he signed her iPod (since she had an Audible download of his on there).
Mirrormask is a new one to me, but I'd love to get in the hat.
You're in the hat Marina!
I came over from Carl's blog.. and I'm sure not against a free read!
It looks like you will need a big hat for all the names!
I love free! Consider me in. And what a great thing for you to do. I also love people who share.
Deslily and Pat, Thanks for stopping by! Got your names in the hat!
Oh I'd LOVE to win this, count me in! ^___^
Gotcha Mailyn!
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