The party was alot of fun last night, though it ended quite early. All of the guests were gone by 10:30, so the rest (6) of us just hung out until we saw the cable box suddenly jump from 2:00 A.M to 3:00 A.M. We decided that it was a sign that we should indeed be in bed, and so the party ended. Lots of good food, lots of beer, and lots of friends made for a very welcome break from this oh so hectic last semester. Here's a picture of some of the guest and our wonderful teacher would be the Indian lady in the middle and I would be the second person on the left of the sofa. We made a promise once again to her to come to India, but it will have to be in the winter. In the summer, temperatures tend to get as high as 120 degrees with daily scheduled power outages. In the winter, it's around 80 degrees but gets as low as the 50's in January. So needless to say, we will be there in the Winter and she's promised me I can ride an elephant through the streets of India :)

Another addition to the blogroll is Amy Reads. I highly recommend her blog. Latest 2 posts concern female heroines and video game covers. She's a big comic book fan and has lots of cool stuff to write about. And she's also from New Orleans!
Why Do I Need a Title has a great little short PSA for us all.
Literacy Chic continues her Quick Lenten Meals series with an amazing sounding recipe for Fusion Shrimp Wraps.
And Quixotical is LONG overdue for a new post ;)
That's all I've got.
Edit/Add on: I hate took away two bonus episodes of the simpsons. This distresses me.
I love my PSA
Can't wait to see 300! It looks really cool.
P.S.-You need a sitemeter! They're very humbling. ;)
I have a sitemeter. It's down on the bottom of my scroll bar. Up to almost 1700 views! It is humbling :)
Hi Chris,
Huzzah! A shout-out and a label tag! Thanks, Friend!
No prob Amy! I like promoting great blogs :)
Hey hey!
You'll have to make do with my house renovation/telecom company ramblings on my other blog I'm afraid -
Normal service will be resumed on Quixotical in the not too distant future!
Oh, and I am dying to see 300. <3 Frank Miller.
So good to hear from you again quix! I'm so excited. I'm going to see 300 tomorrow night.
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