Tuesday, January 30, 2007

One of them days

Today has definitely been "one of those days". I think the thing that set the day off for me was that I didn't take a shower this morning as someone else needed to at the time that I usually do. So I took my shower last night. For some reason, I am just unable to function without a shower in the morning. So I went to the neurologist this morning and she's upping my meds a little more for my migraines. Hopefully that will work. Went straight from the doctor to PJ's to get my coffee so that i could make it through the internship.

The internship was surprisingly slow and boring today. I did have one patient call another a "skank ho" and throw a chair at her, but that was all the excitement for the day...and that was not good excitement. Ended up leaving early because I had nothing to do and now I'm just playing in blogland until I have class tonight at 5:30. And as I type this, spellcheck tells me that "blogland" is not a word.

Two things did cheer me up very much though! Carl V. writes about the seduction and temptation of books quite humorously and honestly in this post. I laughed my way through that one because it's all so true! And then Lisa Snellings-Clark posted this wonderful picture to the left that just made me smile. Faceless poppet by Lisa and Horse by Ravyn.

1 comment:

Carl V. Anderson said...

Isn't that horse great? Glad you enjoyed today's post, it was a fun one to write!

Although I'm not longing to go back to it I do sometimes miss the excitement of working in an adult crisis unit/hospital. Lots of take downs and other interesting things happened every night. Worked with a great crew and we had alot of fun. I'm too old for that stuff now but have fond memories.