Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I Have Been... 1/28/14

Writing: Well that's the problem, isn't it? I'm not writing much! It's not that I don't want to blog, it's that I don't know what the hell to blog about these days. I feel like I've been reading at a snail's place and aside from that, life's been pretty mundane and honestly just exhausting at times, so there hasn't been much to write about here on the blog. I got a beautiful five year journal for Christmas and I write in it when I remember to. So that journal may end up lasting a bit longer than five years in order to fill in the missing days ;) But here I am, writing finally.

Reading: Like I said, I've been reading at a snail's pace, but I AM reading! I finished a book, The White House Boys, last night by Roger Dean Kiser that I've been wanting to read ever since I heard an NPR review with the author. It's a horribly appalling account of abuse in every form that went on at a state run institution for years at a Florida school for boys and one man's tale of survival through it. Review coming soon. I'm also reading Paleofantasy by Marlene Zuk which is FABULOUS so far!

Listening: There always seems to be one or two albums that I'm heavily into at the moment and right now, those are the new Forest Swords album and the new I Break Horses album. Both incredibly good! I'm also in love with Beck's new single and can't wait for that album!!

Watching: So many of my favorite shows are ending for this season :( American Horror Story's season finale is tomorrow night and I can't WAIT for it, but I'm also incredibly sad that it'll be over because I LOVED this season. Same goes with Sleepy Hollow. I was sad to see the season in, but damn it's a good show! I'm a sucker for Project Runway and all of it's various spin offs, so I'm enjoying Under the Gunn too :)

Looking: For a new job? Not really...if only it were that easy. I could spend an entire post (multiple posts really) bitching about my job, but I won't. Sadly, there aren't many mental health jobs at all in Louisiana so I'm lucky to have the one I have despite how much I despise that place sometimes. So maybe I'm looking for acceptance? Looking to be able to let things slide off my back a bit more easily? Yeah...looking for that.

Learning: Balance. Trying to learn balance which is so much harder than what it sounds like. I want so badly to get back to how life was a few years ago. When I found the simple pleasures in keeping up with blogs, having my time to myself to exercise, to read, listen to music, go out with friends, yet still maintain my job with my sanity, keep up with the cleaning, and do it all seemingly with what I remember to be a smile on my face. I know I've been there before so I know I can have it again. It's just relearning that behavior.

Feeling: Meh. 

Anticipating: FEBRUARY!!!! Because it's graphic novels month :D So this is one thing that has me super duper happy! I've made a pile of 42 books that I plan on reading and yes, my plan is to read ALL OF THE BOOKS! I don't think I've ever read 42 books in a month, but one can hope right? February has quickly become one of my favorite reading months of the year :) Also greatly anticipating April as I requested the entire week of the readathon off :D 

Wishing: That we get some snow tonight! It's currently snowing by my apartment and we're supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow up there but I won't be there to see it as I was told I had to come to work, and when I got to work was told to go home so now I'm down here stuck on the southshore where it MIGHT snow. Right now it's just nasty ice. Hopefully I get to see some snow out of this though!

Loving: Life....despite the things I can endlessly complain about and the things that can be completely overwhelming at times, there is always the good too. And I can always return to this little place and feel like I'm back home again.


Kailana said...

I am excited about graphic novel month, too! Sorry everything else is so 'meh' for you Chris. I hope you get back in the swing of things soon.

tohko said...

Chris!! You have snow/ ice there?!?! That's terrific!! We don't even first snow yet.
My fingers crossed for letting it snow for you:)

Debi said...

*HUGS* *LOADS AND LOADS OF HUGS* I know "meh" isn't the end of the world, and most of us certainly go through those periods. But I'm hoping like crazy that something pushes through that meh-ness and excites you and makes you feel all enthusiastic about life and just plain makes you feel like skipping through your days!!! Yes, I'd like to see you skip. :)

DesLily said...

I know MEH. and you (my son) are much to young for MEH! I am happy/ jealous that you got some snow! It's not that I'd like a full blown winter but a longer time with cool/ cold weather would be gladly accepted! lol

Like Debi I wish you could find less Meh and more happy times..I will keep wishing for you to have them x0x0x0x0

DesLily said...
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Becca said...

We all go through those sort of down times in writing and blogging and even reading. Don't beat yourself up because it will pass. :) Graphics Novel Month sounds so fun. My library is the WORST about getting in graphic novels that are not manga (which I don't care for) so I'm going to check out what the bookstore has and if it has a decent selection I will join you. I actually read a graphic novel today, The Unearthing of Lily Chen, for review (it's on the blog if you are interested- it's kind of a dark tale). I, too, love Sleepy Hollow. What a great finale!

Beth F said...

Balance -- when you figure that one out, let me know. It seems that no matter what I do, something suffers.

Anonymous said...

I think we all struggle with balance. I, for one, love hearing... ummm... reading... your voice. It is nice to hear from you even if it is just a little bit!

Unknown said...

Hope things become a little less 'meh' for you soon. Enjoy reading all those graphic novels!

Melanie said...

Hope things start looking up soon. I hated it when I hated my job; it made me a worse person even when I wasn't at work. Hope you get all the books read and that they are all awesome!

Susan said...

I hope things are feeling a little better for you now, Chris. We are all dragging around up here, fed up with snow and cold and more cold. It's so bad that I don't want to leave the house except to go to work or grocery shopping! I am getting lots of reading done, but still....this winter is long. Wish we could meet up and cheer each other up, wish we could each get work (or a job) that is more satisfying to our natures. Maybe in 2014.....

I hope you are busy reading graphic novels this month, that's what I hope!!! :-)

Hugs from shivering Ottawa.