Oh I'm so glad it's Sunday...I used to hate Sundays with a passion because it meant the next day was work, but not anymore. Now Sunday is the beginning of my weekend with my new Tuesday through Saturday schedule and Sunday is my "me" day. It's the day I don't schedule any private practice clients or anything. Just time to myself. So that's just what I've done today. I slept in and didn't wake up to an alarm, got up and got coffee and then went out and did some plant shopping and have been cleaning, doing laundry, reading and playing song pop all day :p

It's only the beginning of March and I'm already getting hit hard by the gardening bug :p This is BAD with being restricted to patio gardening. I'm going to have to find a little shelf or something or build one if I want more room, lol. Either that or find a house really soon. I've been laying in bed every night just dreaming of my future garden at my house to be...planning it out, laying out where the strawberry patch will go, the giant vegetable garden, the fruit trees, the grape vine, the berry bushes, the herb garden, the flowers.....I just can't wait!
And speaking of herb gardens, that was my gardening project for today. I planted a very modest one. Just some rosemary, sweet mint, basil, oregano and parsley. Stuff I use regularly for cooking! I do want to get some lemon thyme too as that's one of my FAVORITE flavors for cooking. Especially on chicken or fish. I've been in talks with
Heather about bringing back Saturday Farmer's Market! I'm so excited about this possibly happening!!! I miss that little event that she created so much because it really got people talking about gardening and food and their local farmers markets :) I'm hoping it'll get people wanting to get their hands in the mud and plant some veggies of their own!
As for what else I'm up to this weekend, not a whole lot...just soaking in my surroundings...like this little lizard that popped up next to me earlier :) I love these lizards and during summer they are EVERYWHERE down here! I've been reading Margaret Dilloway's
The Care and Handling of Roses with Thorns which is SO good! And I'm planning to go see my new neurologist tomorrow for the first time. I wrote up what I thought was going to be a short medical history for him and it soon became an entire 8.5X11 notebook page making me look much more sick than I am :p But at least I'll be prepared. I can just give it to him and say "here, this is me." I hope he's good! He's close to home which is a good sign and my friend who referred me to him said he loves to read and he's actually written a book of his own!
Hope you're all having a great Sunday as well and that Monday doesn't hit you too hard!
I still hate Sundays, well, Sunday evenings at least. Sunday afternoons are the only time of the week I get to be a decent blogger, so I can't very well hate them, can I? But round about now, the dark cloud of the work week is looming...
I can't say that I'm looking forward to doing any gardening. I'm not keen to have my fingers in the dirt. That said, I can't wait for it to be warm out so I can enjoy the fresh produce from other people's gardens and farms! ;-)
Hope all goes well with your neurologist and that you have a great week to come! :)
I love your garden!! And I love those lizards, too. :) I envy you your work week, because I am not a fan of Sundays for that very reason. *sigh*
I can't wait to set up my patio garden! It's going to be a little while though for here, even though it's going to be in the 60's this next week--can't wait. Good luck at the neurologist!
P.S. I sent you a tweet on the day I got your postcard. Thanks so much! :) It made me smile.
So eager to hear how the visit with your new neurologist goes--I have this desperate hope that it will turn out to be a blessing in disguise that your last one quit.
Happy Second Day of Your Weekend! :D
Finally we have some spring weather and I've been bit by the gardening bug, too! My solution for more space is to hang planter boxes on my balcony railing, but I have't done it yet. Just dreaming.
What's that plant in the big terra cotta pot in your picture, front left?
I would love if you guys brought back Saturday Farmer's Market. I loved the posts but back then I wasn't visiting my market and hadn't thought about gardening. I'm hoping that our neighborhood handy-man will make me a planter this week (to be fair it was originally a planter Scott built two years ago but the handy-man took it when we weren't using it and now I want it back). I'm definitely doing tomatoes and would love to do one or two more things. Easy goes it as I'll be as big as a house this summer...
Hmmm--I should do an herb garden. I know you'll think I'm crazy but I'M SCARED TO START!!!! ;)
Megan, Well when we get Saturday Farmers Market going again, you can tell us all about your trips to the farmers market or what you're making with fresh veggies :p
Nicole, You should plant some veggies!! Sorry Sundays are such a drag from you :( I suppose some day has to be a drag for all of us, huh? lol
Becky, you're very welcome for the postcard :) Can't wait to see your garden once you start it!!!
Debs, Thanks my dear!! Sent you an email :)
Jeane, Isn't it exciting to start gardening again? The big tree is a Duranta Sapphire Showers tree! I actually just gave it a really harsh pruning after taking that picture. The leaves shouldn't be that pale at all...they're just mostly dead from the cold winter. So hopefully I should have some rich green growing soon with gorgeous purple flowers and little yellow balls :) I love that plant!
Trish, Oh I hope your neighborhood handyman does indeed make you a planter :D I can't WAIT to see you starting your little garden :D They really don't need all that much work. I just tend to give them more attention than they need because I'm constantly adding to them :p And herb gardens are the EASIEST! Just plant them and let them grow, lol. And water occasionally. Don't be scared!!!!
Chris, I'm so happy that you have started little pots of plants and gardening thoughts! I love those pots....you have a green thumb just waiting to explode! I am so desperate for green up here that I found myself online at a nursery dreaming of plants for my garden...but we can't do anything until MAY!!! Nope, no planting until after the long weeken (around May 18th) every year. Snow flurries are coming by the weekend. So your post cheered me up immensely.
I hope, truly hope this new doctor will be good for you, and with you, and that you finally find how to manage your headaches (if not get rid of them all together). Fingers crossed, Chris.
PS I owe you such a big thank you for the postcard. I wanted to send you an email to thank you, and have something for you :-)
I just read recently about how the interaction of dirt on our skin triggers certain hormone releases that help calm and comfort us. I've always called gardening my therapy, I guess science is catching up.
Here's hoping you find your garden soon. Until then, may your beautiful pot garden thrive. Wait. Did I say that right?
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