I read two books over the past couple of days that both fit really well for the RIP challenge! And yet they were both books that I had no plans on reading before the RIP challenge...funny how that happens, huh?

The first was Volume one of T
he Dreaming by Queenie Chan. This book is a manga and was PERFECTLY creepy! It's basically about two twin girls who go to a boarding school and get a weird feeling about the school right off the bat. For one, they can't let it be known that they are twins..for some reason that we still don't really know..number two, there's a creepy as all shit headmaster...and third..well, weird shit just happens at the school. The two sisters begin having the same dream of standing in the woods that border the school with blood dripping down the trees. And they come to learn that many a student has disappeared in those same woods never to be heard of again. I really cannot wait to get volume two of this three part series!!
The second book I read was David Levithan's new book which came to me in the mail last night.

It's called
Every You, Every Me (yes, after the Placebo song). I didn't think that this was going to be an RIP book at all, but the mystery of it and the haunting feel of it definitely fit. Though maybe not in the traditional way. And there is nothing traditional about this novel as Levithan is always pushing the envelope. It's a novel filled with photographs, short chapters and a whole additional story that's told in text that is crossed out.
It's the story of a young boy who has lost his best friend. We don't know why...is she missing? Is she dead? We know from the beginning that mental illness is involved...depression..maybe psychosis. Clues unravel themselves as we go on through the form of pictures that are left for the narrator. Pictures that bring back everything that happened between him and his best friend, Ariel. It's a book that cannot be put down! I read the whole thing in the matter of about an hour and a half today. I just love the goodies that Levithan always gives us. Highly recommend this one!
And with these two books I have officially completed Peril the Second for RIP! Though of course I'll keep reading :)
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