Greetings from Texas! Just wanted to pop in a quick post to wish everyone a very happy New Year!! 2007 has certainly had it's ups and downs for me, but one of the biggest ups of all has been starting this blog and getting to know all of you. Hope that you enjoy your night whatever you decide to do and have a wonderful 2008! Look forward to spending it with you all talking books and all that other good stuff.
I did manage to sneak in a visit to Half Price Books today while Megan is at work and pick up a few bargains! My last book buys for a while hopefully as one of my big resolutions is to read what's on my shelf at home and not buy so many books. It really is sinful how many books I bought last year! So my last book buying splurge consisted of Gifts by Ursula LeGuin, The Death of Vishnu by Manil Suri (which I had never heard of, but looks great), The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak, I am the Messenger by Marcus Zusak, and the second Varjak Paw book by S.F. Said. Not bad, eh?
Sorry I've been a stranger on everyone's blogs lately! I'll be playing catch up when I get back if not sooner. See y'all then!
Wish you a happy new year!!
Happy new year, Chris! I just have to say that the Zusak books are among my faves. I hope you enjoy Book Thief as much as I did. It's one that will stay with me a long time, and I'd love to reread it at some point. I'm not sure about your philosophy on audio books, but if you get the chance, you should listen to the Book Thief at some point. It takes a magical books and makes it oh-so-magical. (If that is even possible!)
Anyway, I hope you and Megan have a great week together :)
Happy New Year, Chris! I love to photo of you and Megan.
Happy New year! I hope y'all are having a great time and y'all look awesome!
You have every good reason to be a stranger, don't let it worry you! Hope you and Megan have a great new years eve and first day of the New Year!!!
wow, well i guess i can see why you haven't been blogging! LOL.. great shot of both of you!!!
Happy New Year Chris and Megan!!!
(I'll believe the "no buy books" when I see it! heh! But I do hear ya, it's worth a try!! lol lol)
Hope you and Megan are having a fabulous time! I'm sure the only bad thing about your visit will be that it's just too short. Have a wonderful New Year's Eve, both of you!
Those were some nice purchases! I got both those Zusak books for Christmas...can't wait to get to them. I haven't heard a bad word said about either one.
Don't worry one iota about us...just have fun, and we'll "see you" when you get back!
And by the way, another sweet picture of the two of you!
Have fun in Texas (soo jealous)! And happy new year! I have a big resolution along similar lines. :)
What a great picture!! I hope you and Megan have a special New Year's Eve!! Be safe and have fun!!
And you KNOW how I feel about Zuzak!!
Happy New Year to both you and Megan! Great photo.
I also made some purchases at one of my local Half Price Bookstores yesterday as well.
Lastly, I read A War of Gifts yesterday and I loved it. Thanks for the great recommendation. It's just what I needed for the holidays wrapped in such a great John Harris cover.
Happy new year, Chris! You and Megan look lovely, as always.
Those are some great purchases indeed!
"Death of Vishnu" may prove interesting. Your post just reminded me I have a hardcover copy of the book autographed by the author when he visited our store years ago. Unread, but of course. Eeek. ;p
You and Megan have fun. The blogs and the books can wait when you return.
Happy New Year!!!!
Sweet photo. Your girlfriend is gorgeous. -C
Chris -
I'm with Carl - you have the best reason for being away. Enjoy your time in Texas. Here's hoping the New Year is the best for both of you!
py New Year to you,too!
Great pic, and Happy New Year! The Book Thief is a great one--hope you like it!
Happy New Year, I love the photo of you both. I know what you mean about buying books, I think I bought the most last year yet. This year I plan on reading the many books I already have and only buying books to complete a series I already have or that I made a note of last year. Fingers crossed...
A belated Happy New Year to the pair of you! May it be full of books and things that you want to happen.
You'll adore The Book Thief completely! I must get hold of a copy of I Am The Messenger.
Best wishes to everyone xx
Aw, cute photo! Happy New Year Other Chris!
Love the photo, Chris! And Happy New Year to you, too. Don't you think your resolution should include the word LIBRARY??? :-D
That's so weird. I was at a used book sale a little while back and also bought The Death of Vishnu although I'd never heard of it.
Anyway, hope all has been going well in the new year. That's a great picture!
happy new year! and i'm glad you're getting to spend it with megan!
Miss you! But, it looks like you're having a great time!
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