While picking tomatoes today we came across this very strange little pair. Close examination of the photo to the left will reveal what appears to be a pair of tomato siamese twins in the upper left corner. Scientists have yet to confirm what may have led to this genetic manipulation or if extra terrestrials may have been involved in this truly bizarre occurrence.
Three of the (alongwithsevenotherbooks) (see previous post) arrived today...yay! They were:
1. Folk of the Fringe by Orson Scott Card
2. Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman
3. A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin
And now, some Web Wanderings!:
First, on a serious note, Carl has written a truly touching memorial on a wonderful and inspiring person, photographer, and friend of his who passed away a year ago. She was Jenn See from Following My Fish. His post is full of absolutely amazing photographs that were taken by her. They truly took my breath away. My favorite was the third down (Antique mirror in window). Simple picture, but something just amazing about it. It captivated me as I'm sure Jennifer did to so many people. Other favorites were the set of pictures that go from Flower in Sunlight to A Rock on a Table. Follow the links in Carl's post. They'll take you to wonderful places.
Charles Vess has wonderful news for us Stardust fans. He has pictures of the brand new Stardust hardcover illustrated book with an "addition 50 pages of material" along with pictures of The Stardust Visual Companion. AND it looks like both will be out next week! Which means that I will be VERY broke next week seeing as Interworld and M is for Magic also come out next week. But what has two thumbs and loves Neil Gaiman and will be very happy next week? This guy!
This one definitely gets the blue ribbon for funniest thing of the week. Scott has posted the shortest, funniest video in the world on his In the What? blog. If I were not so lazy, I'd just post the video here, but just click the link and go see it on his blog. I agree with him and suggest watching it about 5 times for maximum effect. It's only 4 seconds long.
On Stephanie's blog, I found my new calling in life...UC Riverside is looking for a new curator for the world's largest library of science fiction, fantasy, and horror books. The library houses first editions of Bram Stoker's Dracula and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein among others. There is also talk about the first ever doctoral program in science fiction studies!!! How cool is that?! Read more about it on Stephanie's blog.
And finally, Darla D. posted a link to this really cool little portfolio of photos of books arranged in very clever ways. Check it out. I loved them!
As cool as your siamese mutant alien tomatoes are, I have to say that they still don't beat Neil's satanic tomato :P
Yay, you got Smoke and Mirrors! You will love it! It has some of my very favourite Neil stories: "Chivalry", "Snow, Glass, Apples", "Troll Bridge", "One Life, Furnished in Early Moorcock", etc. And I know you're not the kind to skip it, so I won't tell you not to, but... prepare for a treat in the introduction.
The new Stardust looks SO beautiful. Gah, why must you temp me so :P
I love fresh tomatoes...mutant or not!.. were you planning on making Fried Green Tomatoes??
I swear Chris.. you can't possibly have a "list" of books to buy.. 'cause the minute it enters your mind you send for it!... tsk tsk..
Thanks for the mention. Jennifer was truly amazing and you are one of the people I was referring to when I said some of you who didn't know her would have LOVED her.
Have you not read Smoke and Mirrors? If not I envy you your first time, it is wonderful.
I'm so jealous you have 'maters already!!!
The Stardust visual companion came into the comic shop last week and it is great. I'll be getting me one of those and I cannot wait for the new Stardust HC.
I need that curator job!!!
Off to check out the other links, thanks.
Nymeth, It is indeed hard to beat satanic tomatoes ;). I'm very excited about Smoke and Mirrors! I've been wanting it for ages and I have no clue why I don't own it already being the Gaiman fan that I am, but finally....I own it!! yay! Isn't the new Stardust great?! Oh, come on...like I wasn't going to tempt you, lol...
Deslily, We were thinking about fried green tomatoes...that's only about half of what we picked and we have quite a few green ones still on the bush too! And trust me...the "list" of books to buy is well over 100..I know, it doesn't seem possible, but it is :p
Carl, I really wish I could've known her. She seems amazing. I keep going back to her photography and reading her posts.
I actually have never read Smoke and Mirrors! Can you believe it?! I have no idea why, but I just never bought this one for some reason. Really looking forward to it.
We have tons of tomatoes! We don't know what to do with them all. We planted tomatoes, squash, bell peppers, and eggplant and got plenty from all of them. Good year for the veggies.
Stardust books both looks so good!!! Can't wait! God, I'll be so broke next week :( And that curator job...oh yeah...that curator job...
Mmm tomatoes.
"But what has two thumbs and loves Neil Gaiman and will be very happy next week? This guy!"
And here's me thinking you were going to say Bob Kelso...*grin*
Smoke and Mirrors is awesome, a couple of my favourite Gaiman stories are in there. Enjoy!
I cannot wait to get the new Stardust HC and the visual companion. YUM. Can't wait for M is for Magic or Interworld either...
Carl's post about Jenn See was lovely. I truly wish I could have known her. I love that photo too, I'm really drawn to her reflection in the mirror - striking.
Those tomatoes look great. I don't know if you visit Gaiman's journal but a year or two ago he posted a pic of a tamato he had that had grown a small horn. It was very funny in it's demonitc appearence. I believe made into a Salsa he auctioned off for the CBLDF.
My comic shop got in my copy Stadust Visual Companion last week and it's wonderful. The hardcover of Stardust is coming in this week according to the invoice which I've been looking forward to it since the moment they announced it. I'm also looking forward to the other two Gaiman books next week. I think I'm going to pick up M is Magic on audio though since I drive a lot for work and Gaiman is a wonderful reader. I'm going to be so broke. :)
I know see that you have Gaiman on blog list. opps. sorry about that. :)
Hey Elaine *big waves*, I'm picking up Smoke and Mirrors as soon as I finish this last book for the Banned Books Challenge. Can't wait! Then on to Fragile Things and then...uh huh, M is for Magic....a week full of Neil Gaiman Short Stories, YAY!
There was just something about that photo and her in the mirror that took my breath away. Loved it...so unique.
Jeff, I do remember the Satanic tomato (see Nymeth's comment above ;) My wallet is DREADING the coming week due to Neil Gaiman, but hey, I'm happy :)
Hey you! Since I can't be there....you'd BETTER be going to the Voodoo Festival in NO this year! RAGE AND The Pumpkins!! Two of my very favorites!!
Now that I've read Stardust, I must have the new version! What a truly BEAUTIFUL Story!
I'll be at Voodoo Steph!! And you have to get the new Stardust...it'll be beautiful!
I love the tempting blogger profile link, Jeff S. Are you thinking of joining the ranks or are you just teasing?
Oh come on Jeff...you know you wanna do it ;)
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