So 26 years ago, this blogger was born. I think that the best birthday present of all was waking up for the first time this semester on a Friday and not having to go to school or work. OK, I had to go to school but that was only to turn in some paperwork.
This birthday has been nice and quiet, just the way I hoped it would be. After going to school to drop off said paper work, I went and had lunch with my mom and sister at Taqueria Corona, one of my favorite Mexican restaurants and it was tres bueno! From there, I scooped my little brother up from school and went to the eye glasses place where mom bought me a pair of prescription sunglasses. Yay! I can finally wear sunglasses and not be blind! I can hear thousands of drivers cheering.
After that we made a trip to Whole Foods, one of my favorite places in the world! We picked up a pizza for dinner and got one of the best birthday cakes I've had which is pictured above. It's called a "chocolate eruption cake." It's chocolate cake with chocolate mouse covered in a butter cream icing with chocolate spooned over it. Yum! It was delicious. Dad and Grandma came over for cake as well, so it was nice to have the whole family over.
There's sort of a given in my family every year for my birthday. I always take the worst picture blowing out my candles. This year, they didn't catch me blowing out the candles (they were too late), but the picture was still pretty bad:

Happy Birthday!!
Wow, that cake looks delicious. :)
Thanks Bookfool! Oh it's so good...yet so evil...
Happy Birthday, Chris!!! Congrats on the sunglasses. (I couldn't live without my prescrip. shades!) Oooooh. .. Taqueria! Wish I could've joined you for a Numero Uno y Medio! ;) Enjoy that cake--I agree; it does look delicious!
Hope you win big!
That's exactly what I ate at Taqueria! Go figure...I didn't win big..lost $60, but I still had fun :)
Oh Happy Birthday Chris!! Hope you enjoyed the casino :)
Happy Birthday, Chris. Now, about that cake..... please send leftovers.... Care packages can be addressed to ...
That is a yummy-looking cake.
Happy Birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday Baby... well, you are a baby to me! lol.. What a great b'day and to know you have no more tests too!!! Congratulations!
Allow me to wish you, though a day late, the happiest of birthdays! I've really enjoyed getting to know you over the past several months thus it is with heartfelt sincerity that I say that I hope you have a wonderful weekend of celebrating you (birthdays must be stretched out longer than just one day).
Happy Birthday!!
Thanks Quix, The casino was fun, but they stole all of my money :p
cdnreader, I'd be more than happy to send cake if it wouldn't go bad in the mail! It was huge and we have so much left. I don't want to waste it....but I have a feeling I'll have no problem eating it all *grin*
Nymeth, Oh it was very yummy...Thanks!
Deslily, No more tests is the best present of all! Thanks!
Thanks Carl :) I feel the same. It's been a fun year so far in blog land. And trust me, I'll do my best a stretching out the birthday celebrating as long as possible ;)
Thanks Tink! Love the name!
I forgot to tell you I think your photo is just fine. Sorry the casino stole your money. They do that.
I've just created a blog of my poppet's travels. Silly, but true. I took her with me to Jackson, today (although I haven't posted any photos of her in Jackson - I'm not finished with her house tour). Unfortunately, the drawstrings on her bag fell apart! Oh, no!
A Poppet blog! How cool! I've gotta go check that out..on my way now :D
Hi Chris,
Happy birthday! Huzzah!
Thanks Amy :)
Happy Birthday!! I've been offline a couple of days and I miss your birthday!! Sorry! Hope it was a good one!
So, that makes me twenty years older than you...can we still be friends?
Of course Bellezza! Don't be silly. I have friends in non-blog-land who are 40 years older than me. Age is just a number!
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